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A New Awareness

Our emotions are running at an all time high and we seem more and more unable to control them. Our temperament doesn't match where and what we thought our lives would be. The normal supports that have worked for us no longer hold much potential. Yet still potential and promise abound if we pay attention.


Choices are a way of life. We each make choices multiple times a day about everything we see, hear, do, and so on. Yet it is the one time when our spiritual side is rarely thought about until it becomes an absolute necessity. When our lives, internally or externally, come into crisis or meet with a situation not within our understanding, of our doing, or our frame of knowledge fear, anger, and all of our negative emotions tend to increase and override our thought processes.

Within this fear and anger we find our perspectives tend to narrow and we dig our proverbial heels in deep. We no longer allow ourselves the time or the ability to look at a situation to see what aspects we've missed. These events cause us to shut down to a simple yes/no, black/white, and right/wrong field of vision. However there are times when this tight, restrictive outlook is necessary and the choices are limited as they must be. Luckily most of our decisions rarely fall into this kind of either or situation.

Choices can become more difficult to make when the ones we care about are involved. Some choices will be made for us and thrust upon us by those who demand different responses and treatments. We can begin to feel smothered, not respected, and unvalued depending on where we are on our path and what we choose to acknowledge of that behaviour. To leave these choices without input leaves others ready and willing to take more of our choice options away and when decide to stand up for our needs we can find that we can become demonized for it. Yet at these times our spirits begin to regain a true sense of self and of changing importance when it comes to events and happenings in our lives.

Choices based on wants can seem frivolous to some while choices based on needs can be seen as selfish and divisive when it doesn't coincide with someone else's wants. Unfortunately at these times we tend to close our eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to the many realities that are present and instead opt for simpler or similar responses that worked in the past or our narrowed view of yes/no. These can hinder our growth and our connection with family, community, and spirit.

Choices can be easy or they can be complicated and they really do run the gambet of possibility. What is important is that we try to open our minds and hearts to more possibilities and if necessary take the time to calm our emotions. Taking the time to understand, empathize, and choose wisely allow us to grow as humans and as spiritual beings. As with all spiritual aspects of our lives we will stumble and fail before we rise and grow into the beings we need to become.

I bid you peace as you take the time to explore the choices available in your life. Blessings.



Tangerine Aura

Tangerine Aura is a man-enhanced crystal. It is formed by combining quartz crystals with gold and iron oxide particles. The resulting crystal is unusual in colour and has the unique ability to combine these elements into a powerful healing crystal. Tangerine Aura crystals are sometimes referred to as Tangerine Sun Aura Quartz and have a bright yellow-orange shimmery iridescence. The combination of quartz, gold, and iron oxide is said to give the crystal the ability to connect and understand higher forces and will support the user as they explore their own unique spiritual path.

As a tool for physical healing, Tangerine Aura is used to aid in balancing and stabilizing the energies of the body. It can aid in the body re-energizing the cells and making that energy available for all bodily functions. Tangerine Aura can aid in improving stamina and strength. It can aid in oxygenating the blood and major organs and is supportive for the liver and spleen. Tangerine Aura can aid in lightening dark moods and

Spiritually, Tangerine Aura is great for meditative and visualization sessions which can allow for profound insights. Tangerine Aura will have one end that has been shaped into a six-sided point, this is very useful for opening or healing the Third Eye Chakra and the Soma Chakra especially after any trauma. As a support for the chakras Tangerine Aura unites and clears the connections allowing for greater creativity and insights. Tangerine Aura can aid in sorting out the twists and turns of life path giving us some clarity and perspective.

To cleanse Tangerine Aura rinse under warm water and allow to recharge in direct sunlight.


yellow-orange tangerine auratangerine aura

Tangerine Aura


Thoughts for October & November

The cooler winds blow stronger now and the leaves display their last riot of colour. The Northern Hemisphere ramps down toward the dark of the year and our minds and hearts turn to comfort, to family and being close to home. October is our month for Thanksgiving. Our time of celebration with family and friends, and a time to reflect on our last spiritual year. Most of the hard physical work is done for the year and as our days grow ever shorter we can spend time to sort through the events and examine our lives and our current place.

At the mid-point between the two months is a time when we have an opportunity to release our frustrations and the beliefs that can hold us back. There will always be goals and plans that do not come to fruition. Whether because time seemed to get away, other things took priority or perhaps the time for it was never quite right, we must remember that all things will come to their natural conclusion at some time.

For November, it is the darkest time of our year and it is a time to go within and spend time healing and forgiving ourselves. This is important for our mental, physical and spiritual health. We can use this time to regain a sense of well-being and of who we are. We can wash away unreal expectations from family, friends and even from our own minds. We are constantly growing and changing. We are evolving into our perfection. The more we allow these changes to occur the easier it is to come into our power and authority.

Release and Healing are the ever present themes and energies of October and November.




"Night holds sway over the land.

Yet not all is still and quiet,

The waking song of birds floats through the window,

It calls to me to meet the day,

I rise to see the creeping dawn,

Golden rays of the sun slowly rise to embrace me, to encourage me,

and my soul understands the reason for the song of the birds

and the joy that comes with each sunrise."


October 2020